Thursday, November 28, 2013

Auto-fit columns to see all the text in excel

Excel Tip: Auto-Fit Columns

Here's a quick tip for all you Excel fans.

One of the more tedious things to do in Excel is to correctly set the width of the columns to fit to the text that you are typing. For example:
We need to fit the columns to the text so that all of the text can be seen. To do this quickly, hover over the right edge of the column header until your mouse turns into a doublesided left-right arrow. Then double click to have the column Auto-Fit quickly to the text.

If you have multiple columns that need to be Auto-Fit, select all of the columns you need to Auto-Fit and then follow the same procedure by double clicking on any of the selected columns' dividers. Just like that, your columns are all auto-fitted!

Tip courtesy:


Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Inserting pdf into a latex file

Hi all,
If you have a pdf file and you need to insert it into another pdf file/other files that you created using latex, then you can do two things:

1. Either use the
  and then use the
  to insert your pdf

2. You can also use the \includegraphics environment to insert the pdf.


The second method was found to be more user friendly and the pdf was automatically aligned to the center, while the first one didnt.

Hope this helped.

Friday, June 14, 2013

How to remove programs that automatically startup with system boot in Windows

My Windows had become slow to startup and I sensed that the reason might be Skype that was taking a hell lot of time to start. So I removed it from the startup programs list by following the steps given below:

Type msconfig in Run dialog box and press enter.
Select the Startup programs tab and uncheck Skpye!


Sunday, June 9, 2013

Automatic spell check in Kile

Hi all,

I recently came to know that my kile version 2.0.85 has the option of enabling automatic spell check.
Go to Tools-> Enable Automatic Spell Check
Voila! :)


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Configure QuickBuild in KILE

While using kile I had a tough time pressing
alt+2 (latex)
alt+4 (dvi2ps)
alt+8 (ps2pdf)
in the given order for good compiling and then going on to open adobe or document viewer to view my pdf document.
I figured out that Configuring Kile QuickBuild option will do the trick to do the above steps automatically in sequence.

Kile-> Settings -> Configure Kile
In the window that opens up, open Build under the Tools tab.
In this, select the commands under Tool drop down list in the desired order.

In order to enable the Viewpdf option you may have to install the ocular pdf viewer.


Saturday, March 2, 2013

Passwords with special characters like & / etc while setting proxy in ubuntu

While using terminal in ubuntu, there arise situations where u need to type out your passwords.
URL encode your password to use them.

For example: Lets your password be 123@123
to use in
URL encode the password as


as the URL encoding of @ is %40
URL encoding of other characters can be obtained from


Friday, March 1, 2013

Cadence: Parametric analysis on temperature

go to tools> parametric analysis
then at the pop up window, go to 
setup> pick name for variable... > sweep 1

at the form there should be a param called temp or tempdc, 

click it and enter the desired range.


Sunday, February 24, 2013

Rotate a Video 90 degrees with VLC

Rotate a Video 90 degrees with VLC 

Found this article from the site 

Very useful especially when the videos are taken in the mobile recorders.
Have you ever captured video with your cell phone or camcorder only to discover when you play it back on your computer that the video is rotated 90 degrees? Or maybe you shot it that way on purpose because you preferred portrait style to a landscape view? Before you go straining your neck or flipping your monitor on it’s side to watch your video, we’ll show you a few easier methods.
If you simply want to rotate the video while you watch it, we’ll show you how to accomplish that with VLC Media Player. If you want to convert the video so it is rotated permanently, we’ll show you how to do that with Windows Live Movie Maker and output your video as a WMV file.
Rotate and Watch a Video in VLC
Download, install, and run VLC Media Player. (See download link below)
Open your video file by going to Media  > Open File… and browsing for your file. Or, by just dragging and dropping your video onto the VLC player.
Choose Tools from the Menu bar and select Effects and Filters.
On the Video Effects tab, tick the Transform checkbox and choose your degrees of rotation. The video is rotated counter-clockwise, so to rotate clockwise 90 degrees you’ll want to choose Rotate by 270 degrees.
Now you can enjoy your video the way it was intended to be viewed.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Using pdf eXpress

Inorder to get your PDFs to pass the PDF check by the PDF eXpress,
you can use the command,
latex filename.tex
dvi2ps filename.dvi
ps2pdf -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress -dSubsetFonts=true -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dOptimize=true -dEmbedAllFonts=true -dMaxSubsetPct=100

The above commands generate a filename.pdf which will pass the IEEE PDF eXpress compatibility problem.


How to attach figures, images of pictures side by side to make one new picture in ubuntu

I have two images image1.png and image2.png.
I wanted to combine these two side by side to make a new image combimage.png.

I tried using gimp and photo editor in ubuntu to manually keep the images side by side and save it as a new image. But I couldn't. I found this really useful command in a blog.

montage -tile 2x1 -geometry +0+0 image1.png image2.png combimage.png
This combines the images image1.png and image2.png to 2 rows and 1 column.

montage -tile 1x2 -geometry +0+0 image1.png image2.png combimage.png
This combines the images image1.png and image2.png to 1 row and two columns.


Friday, February 8, 2013

How to install Arduino software on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS

How to install Arduino software on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS

The following steps are taken from the site,

These are the steps I’ve followed to install the Arduino IDE and other required software packages on my Ubuntu 10.04 LTS laptop:

Remove the brltty and brltty-x11 packages since it is reported that they interfere with serial communication with Arduino boards. You can either use the Synaptic Package Manager or do it in a terminal window by typing:
sudo apt-get remove brltty

sudo apt-get remove brltty-x11

Install gcc-avr, avr-libc, and avrdude packages. These are needed for programing Atmel AVR microcontrollers and uploading the compiled programs to Arduino boards. You can either use the Synaptic Package Manager or do it in a terminal window by typing:
sudo apt-get  install gcc-avr avr-lib avrdude

sudo apt-get install avrdude-doc   (this is optional)

Install a Java Runtime. You can either use the Synaptic Package Manager or do it in a terminal window by typing:
sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre   (to install OpenJDK runtime)

sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre    (or, to install Sun Java runtime)

Add yourself to the group “dialout” in order to have write-permissions on the serial port. In a terminal window, type:
sudo adduser username dialout

where username is your login name. Alternatively, you can use the Users and Groups GUI in System > Administration menu.

Download and extract the latest release of Arduino software for Linux.
Run the Arduino software by typing

inside the directory where you’ve extracted the Arduino software.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Using bibtex with latex for IEEEtran formats

Make sure that your current directory shoud contain IEEEtran.bst and IEEEtran.cls files.
In your .tex file, just before the \end{document}, include these lines


where \bibliographystyle{IEEEtran} uses the IEEEtran.bst and \bibliography{bibfile} is used to add the bibliography to your document.
Here, bibfile.bib is the document containing your references in bibtex format.

To compile in Kile, run

in the order given above.

Possible errors:
1. Something's wrong--perhaps a missing \item. \end{thebibliography}

This is infact a simple error and I spent about 3 hours debugging it just to find that I didnot include the .bst in my folder.
Another possible reason is when you use \bibliography{IEEEabrv, bibfile}. Jus delete the IEEEabrv.
Also, make sure there is atleast one \cite{} refering to any one reference in your document.
Everytime you run the above commands to correct this error, make sure to delete the previous .aux file from the working directory. The error may keep showing up just because it was pointing to the old .aux file. Jus delete .aux file before you proceed.

Happy texing..

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Converting png to eps in ubuntu

To convert png to eps, install the sam2p package from Synaptic Package Manager. Use the command,

sam2p filename.png EPS: filename.eps

The filename.png will be converted to filename.eps when the above command is executed in the terminal.

Secure copy of files between ubuntu systems

The syntax of the command for copying a folder from directory A in system user1@ipaddress1 to home directory in user2@ipaddress2 is given below:

Sign into the system as user1 and go to directory A in which the folder to be copied resides.
scp -r folder user2@ipaddress2:~

The system will ask for the passwords and a copy task will be done. Here,
          -r is option to specify that a folder needs to be copied and not a single file.
          ipaddress of the logged in system can be found using the command ifconfig
          ~ specifies that the file is to be copied to the home folder of user2.



Saturday, February 2, 2013

Open terminal from any folder in ubuntu

In the Synaptic Package Manager, install package
Now logout and login again from your system. Go to any folder and right click it to get the option "Open in Terminal".

Converting ps to eps in ubuntu

The ps files in ubuntu can be converted to eps files by using the command:
Sometimes the eps files are seen clipped off. This is eliminated by -B option in the ps2eps command.
To overwrite existing files use the -f option.
So for good conversion the command is:
ps2eps -f -B <>
